Writing a Great Life Story


A question from a reporter the other day REALLY threw me for a loop.  I don’t get tongue tied very often, I don’t get caught off guard, I mean most of the questions we field have been asked and answered ad nausea, right?  Seriously when is the last time anyone read anything surprising, shocking or … Read more

Should I Sell My House To Travel Full-time?

“We are at a crossroads, we are struggling to decide whether to sell our house or to keep it.  I say we are planning for failure, my wife says we have a place to call home. What did you do and what do you suggest?” Deciding whether or not to sell you house might be … Read more

Time Is More Important Than Money

Joyful Elly

We are constantly on a quest, to be not good parents, but great parents and I saw two amazing things this am as I browsed my email and took a quick glance at Facebook from my bed before I sprang up to start the day. You Cannot Buy Time, So Spend it Wisely First, the most … Read more

The Best RV for Families … Revealed!


Every day we receive at least one or two emails asking us what the best RV for families is.  And every day I answer with the same answer … “The best RV for your family is the one you can afford.” Now that may sound trite, but it’s the absolute truth.  Because, in all seriousness, … Read more

RV America Travel: The Best of Luxury Travel on a Budget

A friend of mine recently re-sent me an article that was published in the Denver Post 3 years ago.  It was, out of all the interviews we’ve ever done, our favorite.  The writer, Jason Blevins, got us, he understood the draw of the wild, of the adventure, of the fun and the family time that … Read more

Newmar Dutch Star 4312: The Good, The Amazing and The Incredible

So we just recently passed our three year mark of full-time travel!  That is a huge milestone!  I mean, seriously, while it has been exceptionally fun and exciting and educational and life altering, it has not been without it’s fair share of challenges. We originally set out to travel periodically and so we bought a … Read more

Three Years Of Fulltime Travel and Still Going Strong!

You can’t deny that travel changes you, that it awakens something inside you that makes you wildly anticipate each hour, each day.  If it were untrue, we never would have continued this amazing lifestyle for 3 weeks, let alone 3 years! Fulltime travel has done so much for us. It has enlightened us, educated us, … Read more