10 Genuine Lessons Every Good Parent Needs To Teach Their Kids

When our first child, Kerry, was born, Dan and I were completely and utterly in love with each other, with our new baby and with our life. She was perfect.  And the huge responsibility of raising her was not lost on us.  Above all else, we wanted to be good parents. I devoured baby books … Read more

Whitewater Kayaking: My First Swim of the Year

This past weekend at the Golden Games in Golden, CO was an adrenaline charged weekend. I was entering all the whitewater kayaking events but was unsure about the Screaming ¼ Mile Creek Race on Clear Creek. I had never run this rapid on the river before. My brother, Grady, Max Haworth and I went to … Read more

Best Perks of Life On the Road With a Young Family – RV Living

Everyone asks us “How do you do it?”  “It” being a life on the road with our kids.  My answer is always the same.  “RV living is the best,” I say as though it’s obvious, as though everyone knows how incredibly easy a life on the road is.  It recently became clear to me that if … Read more

Celebrating Our 3rd Anniversary of RV Living

Just a few days ago we celebrated our 3rd Anniversary of full time (almost) RV Living. We have grown and learned so much as individuals and as a family that we plan to continue for as long as possible.  Traveling is quite possibly the greatest education one can receive and the fact that we are able … Read more

Mother’s Day Dirt Bike Crash

Mother’s Day started with a relaxing morning, slowly waking up and going to mass. After church, the kids all helped fix brunch. They made pancakes, eggs, sausage and omelettes. It was delicious. They cooked and cleaned up the mess!

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the Colorado mountains, so we all wanted to do something outside, of course. It was a toss up between kayaking and dirt biking. But since we were at our house getting it ready for new renters, and had access to our dirt bikes, and we get to kayak all the time all over the country, dirt biking won!!

When you go dirt biking with 12 kids, with two first-time riders, you expect some mishaps. But Cardy and Rowdy were off and riding the clutchless little 90cc Yamaha in no time flat. They handled the starts, and turns, and stops without crashing or letting the bike fall over. Amazing, especially thinking back to when Brody first started. He launched right off the road and into the trees, and bent and broke parts, like the brake lever, over and over again.

Well, this time it was mommy (Susie) crashing a 200cc Honda off the road, but first she hit a pole that launched the bike and her 30 feet through the air. The bike landed upside down on a stump and a bush with Susie underneath.

We heard the loud crash, and rushed to the scene of the accident. We couldn’t believe what had just happened. We are very relieved that she only has minor injuries. She was wearing a motorcycle helmet, which no doubt saved her life.

Susie always says she wants to be pampered and waited on. Well, now that’s what she gets, but she didn’t need to crash to get it.