We get A TON of questions from all our friends out there in the great and vast world and most of them pertain to RV’ing, parenting, kayaking and homeschooling. We are also often asked about travel and locations and HOW to make it possible!! And we are even asked some really REALLY fun questions that we love to answer…

Sometimes, I feel compelled to write a blog, but typically I just answer the question via email or Twitter or Messenger …
Not this time. This was such a fun question, that I had to write a blog about it and I really REALLY want to hear your answers as well. First, here’s the question.
“Hi Dan and Susie. You guys are so inspiring and so much fun that I just have to know the answer to this question. What is the weirdest or the most surprising thing you travel with in your RV?”
How cool a question, right? So … here’s my answer and in the comments please PLEASE tell us yours.

We can all agree that one of the biggest perks of RV’ing is that you can literally bring everything PLUS the kitchen sink with you when you travel.
That’s a HUGE perk for families with little kids, families with big kids, multi-gen families, just really a ginormous perk for anyone really. Because, God knows, we just can’t ever have enough stuff. Read a little sarcasm in there … you know I’m not a fan of stuff, but …
I gape in awe at the people I know who backpack through Europe with their two little kids in tow. Like, I thought I cornered the market on traveling light, but I still need the Advil (in case a fever springs up and I need to attack it before a febrile seizure ensues – if you’ve ever seen one in your life you’ll understand the need to never ever again see one, hence the never ending supply of fever reducing meds), water bottles (we are really thirsty people), bug spray (there isn’t a family on earth who hates mosquitos more than us), and kayaks, SUP’s and all the gear that goes with these things.

No, we can’t live without them, and yes, if we backpacked Europe, we’d definitely have them with us because we are bound to run into some form of water and we are drawn to water like fish are drawn to water. And, no, I’m not exaggerating, really. Have you seen our totally redneck trailer (pic above)? It’s actually pretty funny when it’s attached to our gorgeous, luxury Newmar Dutch Star. Like a total oxymoron, much like us. It’s perfect.
So, yes, the perk of RV’ing is that we can bring whatever the heck we want with us and not be overburdened by the weight.
And speaking of weight, Dan carries with him something of equal value to our watercrafts … his Bowflex weights.

What the what? I can see the comments now, “those will definitely exceed the maximum weight capacity for your RV.” No, no it doesn’t. First this Newmar has a maximum capacity of something close to a gazillion lbs and second, I can say this with all the assurance of someone who truly knows…we don’t come close.
Need proof? We weighed ourselves on one of those truck weigh station things. Now I’m not a numbers chick, but I remember Dan’s huge smile and him telling me, “I told you, you have to listen to me,” because I was worried like you. So, now don’t worry cause the weight thing is covered.
At any rate, Dan was freaking out because he thought he was getting “smaller” … oh to have the worries of men, what I wouldn’t give to get “smaller”, right? So in December he ordered the Bowflex Selecttech 1090’s … he had the smaller ones and loved them, so he gifted them to me and he now uses the big one’s that have more weight.
And, then he was freaking out because we were gearing up, after Christmas, to hit the road again, and he didn’t want to lose all the gains he’d made over the winter. I mean, the horror of not having to workout for a few months, right? We were all rolling our eyes, but convinced Dan to just bring them … they are portable, they are small, just I was worried about the “maximum capacity thing.”
And so now, Dan just pulls them out wherever we are … even in the middle of a Lowe’s parking lot. He has no shame.

As for the craziest thing I travel with … that would be my 12 travel companions. They are crazy CRAZY. 🙂
So now, please, indulge me … what is the craziest thing you travel with? The thing you can’t live without and bring along??
Hi Susie! I have been reading your blogs and watching your you tube videos and we here at Discovery Studios would love to chat with you! Can you shoot me an email? We could perhaps schedule a time to chat? Thanks!