Adrenaline junkies unite. I read a post the other day by a fellow boater and it was epic. He was proposing, are you ready for this? He was proposing a new way to do Movember.
Yeah, yeah, ya’ll can grow your moustaches still and maybe bring some awareness to men’s health issues, but what if we all did something to improve our health NOW, raise money for the men’s health, and have fun doing it?
I’m excited to share the challenge our boater friend initiated … and that challenge is to get active and MOVE every day of November – 30 Moves in 30 days.
I’m proposing raising funds for our favorite local charity … First Descents. In a nutshell, First Descents provides life-changing outdoor adventures for young adults (age 18-39) impacted by cancer. They are a phenomenal organization truly committed to making a difference.
I’d love ya’ll to join our team. We can get in shape, keep our adrenaline level on stoke and raise some cash for a very good cause. Seems like a total win/win for me!!
You are aware that when you exercise, everything in your life is better from your mood to your sex life … even your energy level increases. And, of course, the health benefits of exercise are impossible to ignore. Need a few reasons to jump on board and join our team … here are just a few.
Weight Control

Oh yeah, exercise prevents excess weight gain! Running, hiking, walking, paddling, climbing, playing tag, dancing … whatever you do that is physical burns calories!! The harder the exercise, the more calories you burn. It’s that easy!
Reduce Stress
Rough day at home or the office? Need to blow off some steam? Reducing stress and improving your mood is as easy as working up a sweat. Physical activity stimulate several chemical in your brain, like serotonin, that leave you feeling happier and more relaxed and even more capable of dealing with difficult situations. So get up off your duff and do something for at least 30 minutes. You’ll be feeling and looking better …
Stay Healthy
Exercise combats disease! Regular exercise lowers your blood pressure and improves your cholesterol. Regular exercise also reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and certain cancers such as colon and breast cancer, as well as endometrial and lung cancer! If these aren’t reasons enough … right?
Increase Energy
Regular physical activity improves everything about your body. From muscle strength, to heart strength, exercise and physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. This help to also boost your endurance. So that hike that almost killed you yesterday will get easier and easier as you exercise more and more!
Brain Health
Yep, something I didn’t even know. Exercise is credited with keeping our aging brains healthy!! Two studies showed that older people who exercised regularly had significantly less cognitive impairment than those who did not work their bodies. Working out is apparently so good for your brain because it increases the blood being pumped to the brain and encourages higher levels of healthy chemicals called brain-derived nerve growth factors. I just did not know this!! And, trust me, I’m going to appeal to some older family members to join our team!!
Better Sex Life
Done deal, right? I mean anything that can improve bedroom activities is a go for all of us, right? f you have let yourself deteriote significantly, chances are you don’t even have the energy for a romp in the evening. But regular physical activity can fix that! Regular physical activity leaves you feeling energized and looking way better, which definitely has a positive effect on your sex life. But there’s more to it than that. Regular physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women. And men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who don’t exercise — you know because of the better circulation and all . Forget the little blue pill and hit the trails!
All Around Epicness

Exercise and physical activity are a great way to just feel amazing about your life. It helps you feel better, be healthy and happy and even have fun. You don’t have to carve out hours, in fact, it’s universally accepted that 30 minutes of physical activity every day will reap you all the benefits listed above. Of course, the more you push yourself, the more benefits you will claim! So join our team and get out there!!!
Fundraise For Life
Follow this link, and join our team, please? Or, if you’d rather, donate. Both are equally wonderful. I urge you to visit First Descents and read what they are all about, they are truly a group of remarkable people united in a quest to improve the quality of life of those young adults who are fighting cancer.
If you choose to join our team (please do) and you start to get out there and exercise more, post a link on your social media channels and refer people to our team page. When you join, your name will appear alongside all ours. Remember, every last penny raised goes straight to FD and directly impacts the life of young adults stricken with cancer!