The Real Housewives Of Colorado: A Mountain Mom’s Confession

I’m a horrible housewife. I don’t know about any of you, but if I miss 1 day, shoot I’ll just be real honest here, If I’m not cleaning 24/hrs day, my home becomes a wasteland of socks, toys, crayons, paper, books, nerf bullets, and so on and so forth. Piles build up out of nowhere. Bathrooms look and smell like latrines. Sheets walk off beds and drape themselves over chairs and desks. Gloves, boots, hats, are all over and when we need something we can never find it. I simply cannot keep up.

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The Grass Is Much Greener in My Yard

I recently saw a fb post written by a wonderful, loving, beautiful mom bemoaning her work situation.  She was having an awful morning, she was overworked, underpaid and was simply venting on fb to make herself feel better, she wasn’t necessarily looking for suggestions, just good old fashioned venting.  However, in the post she innocently (perhaps innocently) said, “if you are lucky enough to be a SAHM, can you just take a moment to appreciate the HELL out of it”  Ooooh, she said “lucky”.  Those are fighting words for Stay-At-Home moms like me for whom luck plays no part!  The only reason we can crunch the numbers and come out even or slightly ahead is because we MAKE it that way.

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Oh The Pressure …

You know, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not Martha Stewart, and not recently, mind you, I’ve known for a long while.  I’m just an ordinary mom with ordinary skills … diapering, feeding, cleaning, schooling, etc.  But starting around Thanksgiving I suddenly become the Little Engine That Could and visions of sugar … Read more