RV’ing! You know we love it, you know it’s changed our entire lives. It literally made full time travel affordable and reachable for our family. RVing has exponentially improved our children’s schooling. It has changed our perspective on what is important and necessary as opposed to frivolous and wanton. RVing has increased our sense of community as well. Dan and I and our kids have friends across all of North America, it is amazing to me that I could drive to Quebec and meet real actual friends for dinner! The RV Community has become our second family.

As RVing becomes more mainstream and more and more younger families are choosing the lifestyle, brands are seeking ways to become more and more relevant, more personal and more interested in the lives of the people who use their products.
The RV community is as unique as it is diverse. It used to be the only people with RVs were those who had retired and were starting the second phase of their lives. Today, more and more young families are getting in on the action, traveling with their kids and pets, exploring and spending quality time together.
Looking to simplify and pare down, as well as live a life of adventure, we bailed on the 9 to 5 grind and opted for a much slower paced, family oriented lifestyle. If you are interested in how we afford to travel fulltime, check this out.
RV Community

As the number of people who are RVing grows, the community naturally grows. And, most of us love to talk about our experiences. We love to share our favorite US National Parks, our top Free Things To Do, our Alaska Travel Route, the best spots to see whales and so much more.
I mean, we want to hear about it so we can put it on our bucket list or, as the case may be, avoid the experience all together. I mean, the RV community is filled with more insight, more knowledge, more wisdom than all of Pinterest put together.
For example, I’ve been dealing with shoes for every occasion for 14 people for almost 7 years! That’s like 42 plus shoes in an RV. I’m telling you now, there is NO space for that. But, in scrolling through forums, I came upon a full time RV family’s post about shoes. I must say, greatest solution ever! Now I have literally made space for gazillions of shoes and they are totally out of sight.
And then just yesterday I was just on a website the other day researching heated dog beds because right now it’s freezing in the RV at night.
Now, I’m dying to find cool products and tricks for traveling with cats.
Knowledge Is Good

I’m simply amazed at the knowledge that can be captured from the RV Community. Whether you are fulltimers, weekend warriors, travel with pets, kids or whatever, the RV Community is very passionate and knowledgeable.
So, get out there, start participating, start sharing. If you are new or are hoping to begin RVing, ask questions, take notes, introduce yourself, you’ll be surprised at how open and welcoming everyone is. Heck contact us, via facebook or twitter or pinterest or instagram or email or comment below. There is no excuse for reaching out, the avenues to us are endless.
When we started, we did zero research. We didn’t even know we could stop at Walmart and rest our weary heads. We were so green, we were traveling so blind. I really wish someone had said, “Hey Susie. Get on some forums. Go check out GoRVing. Google tips. Stay off Pinterest, you’ll give yourself a stroke.”
The one thing we knew, and only because it was out of necessity, aka budget, was to buy an RV with a solid engine (diesel) and generator because they will last forever. You can redecorate, you can pull up floors, remove entire kitchens, paint, replace furniture (for dirt cheap, I might add), but replacing an engine and/or a generator is big bucks!
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