25 Gifts Traveling Women Will Actually Love

I consider myself to be the guru of gifts traveling women will love because I am a traveling woman! It can be quite tricky to buy gifts for traveling women. We tend to forgo the novelty gift, preferring instead to receive items for travel and about travel. We are minimalists at heart and enjoy gifts that are both practical and essential, but that also have a luxurious side. We may own less, but what we own is top notch.

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Women, love comfort, we love luxury and we love practicality and if all three of these can come together into one perfect gift, it’s pure gold. So I’ve taken the time to put together the most comprehensive list of the Best Gifts Traveling Women, Men & Kids will love!

Without further ado … the 25 Best Travel Gifts for Women in no particular order are:

Table of Contents [hide]

1) Passport Cover

Gifts for Traveling Women

2) Travelers Playbook: World Edition

Gifts for Traveling Women

3) HomeSick Candles

Candles that smell like home are in the tp 25 Gifts Traveling Women will love!


4) St Christopher Necklace

Gifts for Traveling Women


5) Leather Travel Journal


Gifts for Traveling Women

6) In Her Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from Grandmas Around the World

Gifts Traveling Women will Love should conjure up memories of the places they have visited.

7) prAna Women’s Halle II Joggers

Gifts Traveling Women

8) Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

The best Gifts for Traveling Women are often books.


6 thoughts on “25 Gifts Traveling Women Will Actually Love”

  1. You have some great gift ideas for women who are travelers. I love to travel and camping and next year a trip to Hawaii is in the books for me. I had never thought about a travel log/jounal before, but keepiong a log of all my adventures is going to be my goal for 2018. Thanks for you input.

    • Journaling is epic! It’s such a great way to chronicle your adventures, where you’ve been, how you felt and so so much more!! Thanks for the comment!!


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