Ahhhh, toddlers snowboarding…does that strike the fear of God in you or get you pumped?? It can and should be the latter, and you can help your kids develop a love to ski & snowboard by taking it easy, no pressure, all fun.
As you know, we are winter sports enthusiasts and as such we spend our winters in Colorado – home of the best champagne powder in the country. This year our kids have really stepped it up, throwing tricks like Cork 7’s and double back flips … the little kids watch and hear about all the craziness and, of course, they want to join in! Our kids love to ski and snowboard!
Check out this video of our two youngest, Coby and Elly charging it on the mountain, these kids love to ski and snowboard! We keep it simple, little to no instruction, all about fun and ensuring they are safe until they are ready to push themselves a little harder. This year, Emmy (7) had that moment and she stepped it up to some Blacks! But, for the first two years, she took it slow, going from 1-2 runs per day to two years later, being livid that we were leaving after 10/11 runs! Like, livid, in a way only a 7 year old diva can be. I swear I wish I had that on video!!
So, in the video you will see Coby had zero interest in learning how to snowboard, he had a blast going fast, so we went with it and let him go fast and we caught him, instead of him stopping himself, we did it for him. No big deal … he’s 3 and all we want is for him to learn to love the sport, so if he wants to go fast, we let him go fast, under very careful supervision, please don’t leave hate, we know what we are doing.
Elly on the other hand wanted to go fast AND be able to stop herself and so, you guessed it, we gave her a few pointers on how to stop, and she got it a few times, but mostly she would just sit down. And that’s cool too. The best thing about this video is that everyone is cheering for everyone and smiles are big and authentic, and everyone loves to ski and snowboard!
I’m heading back up there again with them today and already Elly is talking about the Hot Chocolate she’s sure to get after a run … or maybe two!
If you are planning a trip with your kids check out the 7 most uncrowded ski resorts in Colorado as well as our Family Ski Trip packing list!!
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