Despite the photographer saying “Be neutral, don’t smile. People often look goofy when smiling”, and us listening to him, all went great in Tampa!! :))) Here’s the article that appeared in the Tampa Bay Times. Be sure to look up Terry Tomalin’s book, [amazon text=Everyday Adventures: A Florida Outdoors Guide&asin=0976055562]. And here’s the link to the article he wrote about us…
[amazon template=iframe image&asin=0976055562]
Fantastic article. What a bunch of goons commenting. Your typical haters hating on the things they are so jealous of. Keep pissing them off!
Oh and just to show my support, I’m going to buy that book because Mr. Tomalin wrote a fantastic article on you guys.
Great article. I’m from Florida, I’ll give the dude’s book a shot.
Those comments make me so angry. “The kid in the brown shirt just wants out.” People are such asses. The birth control comment really gets me. We are supposed to tolerate people using so many artificial means of birth control that their pee alone has damaged our water for generations but how dare we have a big family. The world is full of such unhappy people. The sad thing is that our extended family would probably agree with all the negative comments. Thank goodness that you all know that the only one we answer to is our maker and you life your life in honor of HIM. Thank you also for being the family that puts it out there and takes the responses in stride. You are showing the world a better way and giving courage to your true peers with big families who are willing to live outside the norm!
all very true!
Forget the picture, it’s hysterical. Made me laugh out loud because I’ve never seen you all not smiling! The photographer knew what he was doing. He’s a big fat turd! And the comments, they merely reflect the personal experiences of the commenter. So sad .
Thank goodness the dog didn’t listen to the photographer!
I know, right!!