Already more than halfway through March 2012 … how is that even possible? Elly’s 15 months old, Cardy’s making his First Communion, Grady’s 16, driving & making his Confirmation, Kerry’s graduating High School, has a great job and will be going to college somewhere, I’m pregnant with our 12th baby and wow, all I can say is time really does fly! It’s a good thing we come up for air and have ensured we take the initiative to spend quality time with each other!!
As always, we are just beginning a new endeavor & for anyone who knows us, this is no surprise. We are always ALWAYS starting some new project/career/philanthropic adventure and, well, we are full on dedicated to ensuring Obama does not reside in the White House for the next 4 years! We have joined forces with the American Patriots of the Roaring Fork Valley and are launching Western Patriots. We are the West … Colorado, the United States … it’s all West. We don’t think small. When we started our family, we didn’t think small & look at us today. When we started KelloggShow, we didn’t think small & have made so many great friends across the globe. When we started SubSavvy, we didn’t think small and it exploded so quickly that we had to get a new server within 1 month of launching. So of course we didn’t think small launching Western Patriots. Our future and the future of our children depend on the success of this wonderful Republic and we will stop at nothing when it comes to our children.
[ad name=”Google Adsense Banner”]Our site, Western Patriots, is a non-partisan, grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.
While the website is new, American Patriots of the Roaring Fork Valley is not. We have simply revamped our name, to reach a much more National Audience and we are as solid as ever. We welcome any and all feedback you may have and as always, if you would like to become an active participant there are many many ways in which you can help. For example:
1. Activism – Coordinate rallies, protests, and events to activate Western Patriot members to promote our principles.
2. Community Events – Participate in a wide variety of community events throughout the year where you could have a booth or table to share with people more about our vision for the future. We would provide you with literature to hand out, merchandise to sell, forms for interested people to sign up to volunteer, etc.
3. Community Outreach – Proactively reach out to college students, minorities, young & elderly voters and other members of the community to share with them the core Western Patriots principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, Constitutional adherence, & free markets. This gives you an opportunity to squash any propaganda and false ideas they may have about the movement.
4. Education – Develop education programs for adults, college and high school students on the Constitution, history of our Founders, economics, current public policy issues, etc.
5. Fundraising – Responsible for raising the needed funds to promote our five core principles, advocate Tea Party legislation, conduct voter registration drives, offer education courses,purchase merchandise such as T-Shirts and bumper stickers, & in the future to provide bus trips to DC, etc. We are 100% volunteer, so all funds go directly to advancing the Western Patriots cause.
6. Legislative – Propose and advocate legislation at is consistent with our core principles of limited government, fiscal restraint, Constitutional adherence, free markets, and virtue and accountability.
7. Marketing/Media – Focus on pro-actively defining the Tea Party movement, our core principles and our 2012 agenda through the use of traditional and social media and use of marketing tools.
8. Membership – First person of contact for people wanting to be more involved in Western Patriots. This committee responds to emails and phone calls and contacs those who sign up to be on our email list or express interest in joining a committee.
9. Research – Research how politicians are voting on federal and state legislation, keepsWestern Patriots supporters informed on public policy initiatives, and provide research for candidate voter guides during elections.
10. Small Business – Provides forum for small business community to network with other patriots businesses, partner on advocating legislation, and assist in building the brand equity of the Western Patriots.
11. Writing – Using Western Patriots blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and email blasts, we communicate truth about and perspective on current events related to Western Patriots core principles. We also keep our supporters informed of any activities they may want to participate in.
Come check us out at Western Patriots and on facebook and twitter and every other social media site ever invented! Give us a holler if you’d like to become involved or have comments or suggestions.
Thanks a ton … good night, sleep tight!
You guys are amazing. I’ve been watching your prolife videos and I’m in awe of your family. So many people talk about how awesome they are but they just don’t act, you guys show how awesome you are. I’m a democrat, but prolife and I’m disgusted by people who don’t value life. I don’t know where you get the time to do so much, my parents run around like chickens with their heads cut off and there are only 2 of us!
Great first blog on the new site. Interested in helping out wherever I can, I will email you.
Where do you guys get the time to be so involved in everything? Congratulations on the pregnancy, can’t wait to watch your vlogs!
I agree with all of your core principals, where do you stand on the legalization of drugs?
i always share your posts with my friends on facebook, I love your family, you guys are the best.
just wanted to comment and say that it is a very interesting post – your family blows me away!
Keep up the great work, only with sacrifice will we defeat the enemy.
When I have to write my blog, I always drop by your site hoping for a little inspiration. I love your website!
This is so great, proud of you guys, really!
I have been wanting to do something just like this. Can you guys help me get a website going for our town?
Way cool, you guys!
We need more people like you guys. Keep it up!
I love this!!! Nice blog!
YES! People working to make a difference!
Dude. You guys are sick! How do you make life look this good ?