Make Money and Travel: Meet The Lundy’s, Location Independent Health Coaches

If you want to realize your dream of fulltime travel, the first hurdle is deciding how to Make Money and Travel.  Meet the Lundy’s, Allen, Margie & their three children have been RV’ing for 8 years!  They have been making it work thinking outside the box since 2010! In the past few years they started their journey toward healthier lives and realized this was a need that they could fill.  Today, Allen and Margie travel the USA as health coaches. Read about their story below.

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
RV’ing fulltime since 2010, The Lundy’s saw a need that they could fill and they went for it!

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Tell us about yourselves and how you became nomads.

We hit the road in 2010, when we realized we had nothing tying us down to one area. We worked from home and homeschooled our three kids, so we were free to move, but had no idea where we wanted to go. We loved camping and it just dawned on us that we could easily work on the road and go wherever we wanted. So we sold everything and have been fulltime RVers since!  We’ve hit the lower 48 states in the RV, visited Hawaii, and have Alaska in our sights! We’ve also launched one son, who’s now a Marine.

Describe your working situation and what line of work you’re in

We’re health coaches  and are blessed to get to help people feel better, ditch medications, get their lives back, and even change family trees. We help people we meet in person, from campgrounds to trails, or online, from old friends to new fans of our crazy life.

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
As health coaches, they have built a life of financial freedom.

When did you decide that you wanted a location independent lifestyle? And when did you discover that you could bring in enough income to fund a location independent lifestyle long term?

I think we’ve wanted this since our first jobs. 🙂 Once we started camping often, we wanted that much more than the typical life. We realized that without a mortgage and utility bills, we could easily afford life on the road with our current job. Back then, we owned a digital scrapbooking company, which we sold in 2012.

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
Having a location indendent business means they can work from anywhere!

How many hours do you put in a week and what does a typical workday look like for you?

We work 7-14 hours a week, and yes, we realize many work that much in a day and we’re ridiculously grateful for that. We spend 1-2 hours a day answering questions, checking on clients, helping other coaches, and mainly just living our life out loud. We work on our phones mostly, and work around our rock climbing, hiking, or whatever we’re doing each day.

If you are willing to say, what is the average monthly or yearly salary for someone in your line of work? 

The salary of a health coach varies greatly, because of the time you choose to spend on it and your circle of influence. We don’t spend very much time, but we do have an interesting life that people follow, and we make $10,000 a month.

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
Health Coaches extraordinaire!

How long did it take for you to start earning a comfortable/typical living for this line of work?

We replaced our income in the second month of coaching. Of course our income needed is very low on the road, but now we’re making more than we did in typical jobs with long hours.

What are the most essential things you need for working while traveling? Equipment, programs, etc.

We mainly work on our phones, though we use our laptops occasionally as well. We have good wifi, but if we’re in an area without a signal, we may have to drive to a coffee shop for an hour or so. Generally though our campgrounds have good wifi and we don’t need to be online all day, so we can check in later.  We message mainly through Facebook or texts.

If someone  wanted to get into the same line of work, what type of education would they need? College, trade school, nothing?

Nothing is required to start coaching as we train apprentice-style. There is so much training available and even professional certification through Villanova.

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
Working off their own success, The Lundy’s decided to make a business helping others get healthier!

Who are your clients?  Do you find them or do they find you and how?  What is your success rate? rejection rate?

We started with friends and family who were watching our health journey online, which quickly led to their friends and family, and theirs… It grows organically and very quickly, because the results are obvious. At first, many would watch to see if we accomplished our goals, then if we maintained our healthy weight (which we have for years now). Our success rate as we first started was probably 60% and is more like 90% now that we’ve proven the program is easy, and more importantly, sustainable.

What is the best thing about your line of work and travel?

The best thing about being able to travel is that we live life on our terms, doing what we want, whenever, and wherever.  The best thing about our work is the joy in seeing others get that same freedom, whether it’s their health or their finances. Most RVers are retired and many are too unhealthy to enjoy life now. It’s so fun to see them out hiking, playing with grandkids, and off medications! And many young people have jobs that keep them too busy to enjoy their family. It’s so great to see them spending time with their kids, going on vacations, and many even starting the RVing life!

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
OOrah! Semper Fi, the Lundy’s oldest son is a member of the USMC!!

What is the hardest thing about your line of work and travel?

There aren’t many drawbacks. Sometimes it’s hard for the kids (and us!) to leave friends they’ve made, but since we’re mobile, they know they’ll see them again. And they have friends across the country to look forward to.

If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about starting in this line of work, what would it be?

Do it sooner! We seriously had no idea about nutrition and being healthy, although we thought we did. We were overweight for decades and had no idea how easy it could be. Having a health coach seriously changed our lives!

How to Make Money & Travel: The Lundy's
The ease of their own success, sparked a passion for health in both Allen and Margie.

What is the most creative way you’ve heard of for funding a location independent lifestyle?

We’ve met hundreds of traveling families and there are so many different ways from IT jobs to crafting to workcamping. I have to admit though, most of them sound exhausting. 🙂

Our Passion

We love to assist people to better health in their bodies, minds, and finances.  We do free health assessments and share about our program with no obligation. We’d love to connect on Facebook and in real life if our paths cross.

So, tell us, did the Lundy’s story touch you? Was it an aha moment? Do you think this is something you could do?

I’m sure they’d love to hear from you. Any questions, or requests, or even just to say hi. Feel free to leave a comment or contact them on any of their Social Media channels above.

And, if you would like to share your Make Money and Travel story, please email us, we’d love to chat!!

How To Make Money & Travel - The Lundys

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