A family of 14 is selling their Colorado home, and they’re going to live on the road in pursuit of a lot of dreams.
The ‘cheaper-by-the-dozen’ style family of 12 children is getting ready to dump it all and head out of Glenwood Springs. The family is into water sports … especially kayaking.
“We introduced a couple of the kids to kayaking and they took to it like they were born in the water,” said Dan Kellogg, father of this crew. “When the younger kids saw the older ones in the boats, they just had to try!”
All of the kids buy into this ‘simpler way of life’ their parents are moving toward. All but one of the children, 18-year-old Kerry, the oldest daughter, are being home-schooled. Kerry graduated from Glenwood Springs High School last spring.
“I am so ready for this,” said Kerry. “I am over Glenwood, I just want to enjoy new adventures and see new places.”
The family had practice with this ‘life in and RV’ endeavor this past summer. They traveled the country letting the kids enter kayak events on rivers and streams all over. Now, they will continue to home-school the kids and live out of the motor home.
“We will be a bit cramped, but we will stop at laundromats to do the wash … they offer six machines in a row … so we can get it done in no time,” says mom, Susie Kellogg. “We give up things such as going to the bathroom anytime we want to go, but we do take ‘R&R’ stops at hotels and motels.”
Travel this time around will be a bit easier with two new drivers in the family. They will take all their vehicles and leave behind what they say is the “rat race of living for your home and things you work to acquire.”
The Kellogg crew hits the road when the mountain-top home is sold. They hope that will happen by January.
Published on Fox 31 Denver on November 21, 2012
Dear Kellogg family,
I came across your story from ABC and wanted to check out your site. Very cool and inspiring! We are a smaller family of 4 (soon to be 5). We bought a used RV 2 years ago for the purpose of having a vehicle to go across country from Michigan to Oregon. My wife was finishing her Masters in OR and I had just changed careers that would allow a little more freedom. I always wanted to do a road trip across America and so we headed out to pick my wife up and drove back in the RV with my in-laws. Great time and I can’t wait to do it again. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope more people get a chance to hear it. We wish you the best on your endeavors and God bless.
The Allmands
how do you finance this life style?
Dan has a job …
I think this wonderful, have fun, be safe and stop by Cleveland Tennessee and go white water rafting on the Ocoee river, class 3-4, i was a river guide there and its very beautiful. God bless
I too am selling my house and giving everything away to head for a life on the road. At close to 70, with a cat and perhaps a dog, it will be an adventure different from that of your large family. I was happy to see you doing it – and it reaffirms what I suspected – that life on the road can be glorious.
Sounds wonderful. Hope you enjoy every minute.
Good Luck with that. I sure hope the RV doesn’t break down. Than What?
Then we fix it … ???
Whoops – posted a RV comment on another blog page of yours (kayaking)… but really like what your doing and wish you all have the time of your lives. Remember… “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” (Emerson)
I am currently living in a small 24′ class c motor home ,,, I am curious as to what make and model you are choosing ,,, I’ve seen many that have all the amenities and easily sleep 10 in a class C ,,, the larger “diesel pushers” and class a motor homes even have washer dryers and nice showers and there are som companies that will custom build to suit your needs ,,, so shop around ,,, please let me know what make and model you decide to chose ,,, TY
We did this a couple months in Colorado also. There were 9 of us kids and we had a pink bus that had been made into and awsome camper by our parents. It actually could sleep all of us in there comfortably. I would of loved to have been able to do it much longer. We were all much closer at that time. Kudos to all of you and I wish you all the best. I did home schooling with two of my kids at seperate times and that was the best thing for them. I wish I had been able to continue all of this. Keep following your dreams and ignore those, as I know you will, who have no idea of the pure benefits of what your doing for your kids. Its awsome!
It looks interesting, I wish I could do this. If I won the lottery I would do this because than I can afford it. Life is show and enjoy it. Keep it up Kellogg’s and if one day you visit New York you can park in front of my home in queens and bring your kids to Spy Shops at 34th & Lex. GOD BLESS YOU Mrs. Kellogg it must be hard to keep the RV Clean.
Your friend in NYC
Stephan Demeter
That’s the crazy thing, I’m slightly OCD about cleanliness and it’s sooooo much easier in the RV!!!
Awesome job !! – Great move !! – – – – I totally believe in what you’re doing. You guys are awesome parents.
Enjoy the ride, and …GOD BLESS !! – Rick / Oregon
Way to go Dan. I see you are miles and miles ahead of everyone in the evolution of the society. God bless the family.
Other than camping for 3 days weekends, we can’t find the time to do this (or the funds). Without disclosing personal details, how is this funded? I would love to do the same and am trying hard to get things in order but the part I can’t figure out is how to make money – on the road. I am an elementary teacher and my husbands works in sales. Thanks for sharing your amazing story and looking forward to hearing more.
Yeah for you!! Life is to short to not travel. I have been across the country 5 times in the last two years and want to buy an RV. Who says you can’t homeschool and have fun!!
Wow, I think what you have done is great! My husband and I want to do the same. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of income do you need to live like this? We are thinking of living aboard a boat. I would have to give up my corporate job which is driving to the nut house! He has a retirement income. Just curious as to what do you really need to live on?
how do you pay for everything gas is high
Fantastic way to live, the kids will learn more than they would sitting in a class room day after day. We took our son out of school for a month to travel and he only studied one hour a day and when he went back to school he was ahead of the class. Now that our kids are grown and it is just the two of us we are in the same process as you, selling our home and then hitting the road full time.
For those of you with the same dreams, go on line and read about other full timers, there are many ways to bring in extra cash.
This is an AWESOME thing to do and a great way to raise your kids. I look forward to reading your blog, watching your videos and being totally jealous when I am bored to death at my 9-5 job
Found your site while searching for “family of 11 RV” We are a family of 11 and are RV shopping. I’m scouring your site trying to find the make and model of your RV but figured I just ask! Blessings on your travels!
Our RV is a Georgie Boy Cruise Master, Freightliner diesel pusher.
whoah this blog is great i love reading your articles. Keep up the great work!