The first World Cup in the Series was in Rock Island, TN and it was, hands down, the most organized competition we’ve ever competed at! There were 3 days of competition and each day there was water only during a certain number of hours, so everything had to run smoothly to get all the events in and it was as perfect as could ever be hoped for. To simply be here at this event is crazy exciting, there is so much adrenaline, so much excitement, and, for us, so much unknown!! For example, we weren’t even aware that IFC and USACK had different rules for the tricks that the competitors throw down. It wasn’t until the boys paddled with Emily Jackson and she informed them of the fact that McNasty’s had to be aerial and Phonix’s had to be vertical that we even looked at the IFC Rules!! Guess what? It’s 45 second rides as opposed to the USACK 60 seconds!! And, just today, we found out that if you are not linking moves you must front surf for 2 seconds — or something like that. And, just so you know, IFC scoring is much tougher — not that that’s a bad thing at all, there is really no room for interpretation, which I actually might prefer, maybe. The judges even have to sit at a specific angle — 45 degrees, I think.?! And then Rock Island itself is absolutely stunning … when you get past the fact that snakes are lurking under every rock. I didn’t actually get over that fact, but I did find myself staring in amazement at the falls and the scenery and the people only to realize I was missing Grady or Brody’s ride! So many different languages, I even engaged some Irish Paddlers in conversation just so I could hear their accents! Love them!! But you know what else? I love Southern Accents too! We’ve already decided that we’ll be coming back this winter, probably November or December for a few months … it’s not only an awesome feature, but, like Dan said, probably one of the best training spots we’ve seen so far!! And it has a little something in the way of waves and holes for our little paddlers, Cardy and Maddy!
The first day of the competition Grady and Brody were so stoked. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, there was electricity in the air. They weren’t competing on Friday because there were 51+ Pro Men and they were breaking into Quarter Finals and that took all day, but they were on an adrenaline high simply being around so many amazing paddlers! They met tons of people, hung out with guys from other countries, and even met some cute Junior Girls!!
The next day, Saturday, the Junior Men competed first. I was more nervous than either Grady or Brody. They were pumped. Kady and I were freaking out! There were 16 Junior Men at this competition and they were cutting to 10. Each had 2 rides and both counted. Both Grady and Brody were in the second heat along with 3 other amazing paddlers — in fact, the heats were all stacked. Grady’s first ride was, well, not so great, he flushed early and the wave was very hard to attain after a flush, it probably took a good 15 seconds to paddle back into the feature and you had to paddle behind and under a waterfall. The second ride Grady threw down was awesome – it consisted of an air blunt, a huge loop, a right Space Godzilla and a Helix — he never flushed! Both of Brody’s rides were consistent and in each he threw a huge air blunt and a loop … that kid can bounce. He struggled huge getting back into the Eddy, his boat is so bloody tiny … in fact, it is the ONLY Jackson Shooting Star in the entire competition … that coming out from under the falls proved to be impossible, the force of the water hit his boat and it was game over!
But, not to worry, they both made it to the semi-finals, scheduled for later in the afternoon. After a lunch packed with protein and carbs, and absolutely no rest, but instead a hike and hours in the sun, they gathered their gear and sprinted to the feature. In Semi-Finals, it was two rides, best counts. Both Grady and Brody’s rides diminished some, but Grady managed to secure the 4th place spot in finals and Brody was knocked out placing 8th. In all reality, he’s the youngest paddler out there and both he and Grady are the most inexperienced, so the mere fact that they are remotely competitive is incredible!! I know I keep saying this, but it needs to be said often … this is their 3rd year paddling and only their 2nd year in freestyle … they’ve certainly come a long way in a very short period of time!! I’m super proud of them!! You know, I think it may have something to do with the fact that they truly love to paddle.
Finals on Sunday were awesome, if not brutal! Each competitor got 3 rides, best ride counts! Everyone showed up with their game faces on and everyone appeared to struggle to some degree or another. Be it flushing, rushing, strict scoring, whatever … the scores were pretty low — I think 185 was the winning ride. It was super close and in the end it came down to perfection in the completed tricks. Grady walked away in 5th- his best ride was his last (typical) and it was in the last .10 seconds of the ride! ( He kills me! I’ve asked him to take pity on me and just throw the ride of a lifetime first! ha ha!! ) He flushed and paddled as hard as he could back into the feature and right before the buzzer, he plugged for a loop and linked to a Space Godzilla. He was extremely psyched to place 5th amongst the World’s best Junior Men in probably the hardest feature of the Series!
Now we are at the Pigeon River and we’re gifted with an unscheduled dam release! The water is running today! How lucky are we? The boys compete again on Wednesday. The rides are guaranteed to be bigger … and the scoring? If only we can figure out all the rules!!
I think the game plan here, for Grady and Brody, is to throw every trick they can and then if there is still time left on the clock, start throwing them again in hopes that something gets scored in each ride!!!
Congratulations to you boys, 5th and 8th in a World Class Competition is nothing to shake your head at. I have been kayaking for 6 years and am in the Junior Mens class too. Mens is hard. I have not won anything yet. My day will come I’m sure.
How is the new All Star? I’ve heard conflicting info, mostly pissed off boaters who just bought a new Rockstar only to find out there is a new and improved Star that freakin everyone is now competing in. Is it just hype or is it a better boat?
Grady and Brody are so cute. You did great you guys. Congratulations, I hope you do awesome everywhere you go!
Congratulations Kellogg’s – wishing you the best!
I learn from you everyday – you are such a great role model and your family is fantastic. Please keep the blogs coming and congratulations to your children for doing so well!
ICF sucks. Why the hell we don’t practice this shit the way ICF scores it here in the US? Saw the live feed, Grady & Brody’s rides looked like they killed it, definitely 400 pt rides, to see that’s not how it was is mind boggling. don’t know why we don’t just stick with ICF, seems our US paddlers are at a disadvantage.
You make it sound so easy, but I’m certain it’s not! Right?
Hey man,I’m really glad I came acsros your website, have gotten a chance to read your blog and some more about you. Visually, you remind me of my best friend shaved head, muscle body, very very similar face (esp when I saw you in a pic with glasses). Anyway, your personality, from what I can tell online reminds me a lot of him as well.It does make me miss my friend even more. He passed away early in 2011 from cancer. Thanks for reminding me there are people like him still around. Many Blessings.
Kick Ass Kellogg’s you guys are so awesome. Yeah, you’re my hero!
Googled Rock Island, sweet!
Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!
How long have you guys been kayaking? You are so good. I would love to try it.
Seriously our 3rd year … 2nd playboating!! :)) It’s soooo fun!
So I guess that’s why you guys are in Tennessee!!!!
How do you get started kayaking? Where do you go? What do you need? Is it really expensive and hard to learn?
What an amazing family.
That is truly awesome! Congrats and good luck for the rest of the competitions!
Dayumm, what an amazing group of people you are. Lucky as shit too.
What a dope life man. Do you ever leave the country? Kayaking looks gnarly, might have to give it a try.
What a beautiful place.
What a gorgeous place! Bucket List!
Do you do school all summer long too?
Awesome job you guys! What a beautiful place!
Wow, how long have you been kayaking? You guys did great, congrats!
… nice,, congrats,, to all of you,, i spent the first 13 years of my life in South America Ecuador, it
reminds me all of the wild life, what you guys are doing is life lasting experience, it’s how you learn honesty, metal power, physical strength, alertness, the power of nature, and the power of a human been … please keep posting now me my wife, son, and daughter are followers of you guys good luck everywhere you go.